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  • Coastal, Marine and Antarctic geoscience magnetic display panel (Not for general release). Content as follows: Geoscience Australia (GA) maintains a marine science and data acquisition capability which supports the Commonwealth in addressing challenges facing Australia. GA provides marine geological and environmental advice and information to support Government planning in areas such as sustainable development of offshore resources, assessment and management of natural disasters, and policy for Australia's coastal zone, the offshore marine estate and the Australian Antarctic Territory. GA maintains a national archive of publicly available physical marine datasets and value added products including maps, techniques, models and predictions, ensuring valuable information is preserved and available to enable future science.

  • The primary role of the Australian Geodetic Survey is to compute and provide the fundamental, national-scale reference frame. This activity serves the broader community by providing an accurate foundation for positioning, and consequently all spatial data, against which every position in Australia is measured. Having an accurate national-scale reference frame is of great importance to scientists, the private and public sectors, and the general public. To support this, the Australian Geodetic Survey provides; Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data products, metadata and solutions from the Australian Regional GNSS Network (ARGN) and other regional sites, Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data from Geoscience Australia's two observatories and solutions from the global network and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data from the Australian array and solutions for the global tracking network. Geodetic measurements made in Australia are combined with data from across the globe to develop a strong International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) on which the Australian reference frame is based. The result is a stable, accurate foundation on which spatial datasets from throughout Australia can be combined. The work undertaken by the Australian Geodetic Survey supports a wide range of local, regional and national planning and developmental activities. This includes cadastral and engineering surveys, topographic mapping, mineral and petroleum exploration, hazard monitoring, and navigation, as well as global monitoring of the atmosphere, oceans and coastal zones. Products The Australian Geodetic Survey provides a number of products. AUSGeoid09 AUSGeoid09 is a three dimensional model used to convert ellipsoidal heights (as observed by GNSS) to AHD heights across Australia with a typical accuracy of ±0.030 metres. Until now, the capacity to accurately relate GNSS heights to Australia's vertical datum has been the missing link for positioning. AUSGeoid09 now allows GNSS users to compute an accurate AHD height in real time offering significant efficiency gains for industries such as mining, agriculture and construction. AUSPOS This easy to use online GPS processing service allows users to submit dual frequency GPS data and receive rapid turn-around Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) and International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) coordinates. This is a leading-edge service that automatically computes accurate geodetic coordinates to international standard. Legally Traceable Coordinates The Australian Geodetic Survey is the nation's only legal metrology authority capable of providing legal traceability of position. This service ensures the legal traceability of GNSS derived positions back to Australia's recognised-value standard for Position in accordance with the National Measurement Act, 1960.

  • This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tools. This USB is based on the compilation on the GA webpage (eCat 101062). This version contains both English and Chinese translations of the USB interface and will be distributed at China Mining 2016 and the China-Australia Resources Investment Forum, Beijing, both in September 2016.

  • 2015 ASEG Conference Booth Posters. 8 posters.

  • The Sentinel Monmitoring System Display Poster explains the key updates of the April 2014 release of the new Sentinel UI and back-end processes needed to meet the ibncreasing demand of the Sentinel Monitoring System by users.

  • Poster for the 2013 ASEG-PESA geophysics conference in Melbourne. Detailing the forward modelling of gravity data along the 11GA-SC1 seismic line.

  • This USB has been produced for Australia Minerals promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data from all State and territory geological surveys (excl. WA). *Note: This GeoCAT number wasn't used. The interface wasn't changed from 82546, which is the version that was used at PDAC 2015*

  • *This version of the USB will be distributed at the AMEC 2017 convention.* This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tools. The content found on this USB can also be found on the GA webpage (; eCat 101062).

  • A 12 minute, non-interactive overview of the aims, objectives and research methods used in the North Australian Basins Resource Evaluation (NABRE) Project, between 1994-1999. Includes Potential Field, Seismic, Structural and Stratigraphic information with interpretations of geological evolution and ideas for potential stratifrom base-metal mineralisation.