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The Archaean granite-greenstones in the Sir Samuel 1:250 000 sheet area can be broadly divided into three north- to north-northwest strips of greenstones that are separated by large areas of granitoid. The west strip varies in width from 2 to 17 km, and includes the Perseverance-Mount Keith, Agnew, and Yakabindie greenstones belts. The far west part of the sheet is largely granitoid, with an arcuate belt up to 18 km wide of highly deformed and gneissic granitoid west of the Waroonga Shear Zone. The southern Yandal greenstone belt is separated from the Perseverance-Mount Keith greenstone belt by a large area of granitoid, including the sigmoidal Koonoonooka monzogranite, and a highly deformed zone, up to 12 km wide, of interleaved granitoid and greenstone west of the Mount McClure Fault. Part of the Dingo Range greenstone belt occurs in the northeast. The Yakabindie greenstone belt comprises a layered sequence of Kathleen Valley Gabbro overlain by massive tholeiitic Mount Goode Basalt. The Agnew greenstone belt comprises a lower sequence of metamorphosed ultramafic, mafic, felsic volcanic, and sedimentary rocks, which is exposed in the Agnew and Leinster Anticlines. The upper sequence, mainly in the Mount White Syncline area, consists of metabasalt, metagabbro and metasedimentary rocks. Metamorphosed ultramafic, mafic, felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Perseverance area extend father north to west of Mount Pasco. North of Six Mile Well, ultramafic, sedimentary, and felsic volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks correlate with the greenstone sequences through Mount Keith to Wiluna. The Jones Creek Conglomerate represents a late clastic sequence and is restricted to a narrow, fault-bounded zone between the Yakabindie greenstone belt and granite in the west and the Perseverance-Mount Keith and Agnew greenstone belts to the east.
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