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  • This study was commissioned by Geoscience Australia (GA) to produce a report on source rock maturity and maceral/organoclast assemblages for a suite of rock samples from from the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) Carrara 1 drill hole in the Northern Territory, Australia. 25 samples consisting of 24 drill core samples and 1 drill cutting sample were studied using organic petrological methods to evaluate the organic matter type, content, thermal maturity and hydrocarbon potential. Vitrinite was absent in all the samples and variable amounts of bitumen was present throughout the stratigraphic section studied. Fluorescing lamalginite was present in the upper part of the section and no bioclasts were detected in the samples from the lower section. Vitrinite reflectance equivalents calculated from bitumen reflectance indicated that upper part of the section containing lamalginite is early to mid-mature and the lower part of the section is over-mature. Good potential for liquid hydrocarbons may exist in the upper part of the section and the overmature lower part of the stratigraphic section could be gas prone.