Authors / CoAuthors
Moss, F.J.
A seismic survey was made in the.Ooraminna area of the Amadus Basin 9 Northern Territory 9 by a seismic party of the Bureau of Mineral Resources 9 Geology and Geophysics 9 between 6th July and ,29th August 1962. Reflection traverses were recorded between Deep Well and Alice Springs and across the culmination of the Ooraminna Anticline l and a refraction depth probe was recorded on the crest of the Ooraminna Anticline. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information on the structure of the Basin in the eastern part of the Missionary Plain, and on the structure of the Ooraminna. The Basin was shown to be generally synclinal between Deep Well and Alice Springs with a maximum sediment thickness Of 20,000 feet north of the Ooraminna Anticline. Seismic evidence suggested that the uplift at Deep Well and the Ooraminna Anticline have resulted from thickening in a deep formation, which has been tentatively identified as the Bitter Springs Formation. The survey was unsuccessful in relating reflectors in the crosssections with outcropping formations in the MacDonnell Ranges and on the Ooraminna Anticline.
Product Type
eCat Id
Contact for the resource
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Seismology and Seismic Exploration
- ( {1} )
- HVC_144637
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- Seismic Data seismic survey
- ( Theme )
- seismic reflection
- ( Theme )
- seismic refraction
- ( Theme )
- geophysics
- ( Theme )
- petroleum exploration
- ( {1} )
- ( {1} )
- Published_External
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Series Information
The survey was part of the BMR programme of seismic operations in the Amadeus Basin, which began in 1961 with a series of north-south traverses across the eastern part of the Basin between Alice Springs and Finke; this was followed in the same year by a short survey over the Palm Valley Anticline, 80 miles west of Alice Springs. From 26th March to 3rd July 1962, a seismic survey was made in the Gosses Bluff area approximately 110 miles west of Alice Springs. The seismic programme for the Ooraminna survey was planned to obtain information, additional to that obtained in 1961, on the structure of the Basin between Deep Well and Alice Springs and on the structure of the Ooraminna Anticline. In an attempt to obtain this information seismic reflection traverses were surveyed as followss (a)To connect the Deep Well and Polhill 1961 traverses. (b) To extend the Polhill 1961 traverse northwards to Alice Springs. (c) To cross the surface culmination of the Ooraminna Anticline, the traverse to start from a point on the main north-south traverse between Deep Well and Polhill.
Parent Information
[-24.25, -23.75, 133.5, 134.5]
Reference System
GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Spatial Resolution
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Source Information
Source data not available.