Authors / CoAuthors
Cechet, R.P. | Sanabria, L.A.
When considering structural design with regard to wind loading, the Australian building code through the Australia/New Zealand Wind Actions Standard (AS/NZS 1170.2, 2002) as well as the wind engineering community in general, relies to a significant extent on the peak wind gust speed observations collected over more than 60 years by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). The wind-loading performance of our infrastructure (resilience) is based primarily on the Dines anemometer interpretation of the peak gust wind speed. In the early 1990's BoM commenced a program to replace the aging pressure tube Dines anemometer with the Synchrotac and Almos cup anemometers. This paper presents the results of a reanalysis of the current BoM peak wind gust database for the non-cyclonic region (Region A) of AS/NZS 1170.2 (2002). We compares estimates of the 500-year RP peak wind gust hazard magnitude derived of varying observing record lengths obtained from 31 "Region A" BoM sites. Region A was considered for this initial study as record length would contain a significant number of extreme events (synoptic or thunderstorm) over decadal time scales (i.e. extremes not dominated by one or two tropical cyclone events). To isolate the issue of anemometer replacement, only wind stations located at airports (consistent exposure) and with more than 30 years of record were considered. The methodology was formulated to explore the consistency of peak wind gust measurements due to issues surrounding equipment upgrading. Comparison of results indicated that the recent period (1990-2006) appears to have a reduction in significant events (13 of 31 sites have a mean 500 year RP below the 95% confidence limit for the 500 year RP estimate using the total record). Future plans are to calibrate some existing Dines instruments in-situ in an effort to provide sufficient information to fully specify the dynamic response over the range of operating conditions
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- External PublicationAbstract
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- risk assessment
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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