geoscience education
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This set of Australian landslide images illustrates the causes of landslides, both large and small, and other earth movements. A set of 15 slides with explanatory text; includes images of Thredbo, NSW, Sorrento Vic., Gracetown WA and Tasmania.
Animation demonstrating how fraccing is used in Coal Seam Gas (CSG) extraction.
This education resource comprises earthquake images with background information and descriptions of each image - includes world plate boundaries and earthquake distribution, distribution of earthquakes in Australia and examples of earthquake events, Australia's Seismological Network that is managed by Geoscience Australia, how earthquakes are measured, a case study of Tennant Creek and a map indicating Australia's earthquake hazard. Suitable for primary level Years 5-6 and secondary level Years 7-12.
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This product includes the remote sensing information booklet + student activities + one set of five A4 image cards. Discovering Remote Sensing - an introduction does not contain any overhead projection images. Suitable for secondary Years 8-12.
This bulk set comprises 10 sets of 5 image cards. The cards are the same as the single set of cards included in both the Discovering Remote Sensing kit and each student manual in the Discovering Remote Sensing bulk set (purchased separately). The image cards are used with the student activitities in each of the latter two Remote Sensing resources. Suitable for secondary years 8-12
Introduce a range of earth science topics into your classroom with this set of Geoscience Australia's most popular primary education resources. Save a total of $14.30 by buying these items as a set. Bulk set contains the following booklets, image set and kit: - Exploring Crystals booklet + specimens - Australia: An Ancient land booklet - The Science of Gold booklet - Gold Rush Technology 1850s-1990s image set - Volcano class set of 3D paper models - Trilobite class set of 3D paper models Suitable for primary Years K-6 and secondary Years 7-8
Part-page article on matters relating to Australian stratigraphy. This column discusses what constitutes a publication for the purpose of establishing and formalising stratigrphic units. ISSN: 0312 4711
Codes, guidelines, and standard practices for naming and describing Australian stratigraphic units have been discussed for more than 60 years since the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) set up a Research Committee on Stratigraphic Nomenclature in 1946. Like today's Australian Stratigraphy Commission, its aims were 'to encourage the orderly use of names and definitions for stratigraphic units'. .......