geoscience databases
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This dataset contains processed and raw backscatter data in matlab format produced by the CMST-GA MB Toolbox from various swath surveys in and around Australian waters.
This includes collection of core from sonic drilling and soil and water samples from boreholes and surface water. The Core is stored in plastic in core trays (4 x 1m). The water samples are disposed of once analysed.
Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 1009 whole-rock analyses of rocks from the Arunta Block.
This dataset contains data collected on various domestic and international swath surveys in and around Australian waters.
Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 1201 whole-rock analyses of rocks from the McArthur Basin.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
MAPDAT is a program for plotting spatial data held in the ORACLE relational database onto any map within the Australian region at any scale. MAPDAT also includes a system for defining geological structures, thus any geological structure can be stored in the database and plotted. The program enables the plotting of sample locations along with infomration specific to each location. The information can be displayed beside each point or in a list to the side of the map. The symbols can be sized proportionally to the value of a column in a table or a SQL expression. Town locations, survey paths, gridlines, survey areas, coastlines and other geographical lines can be plotted. The program does not compete with geographical information systems but fills a niche at a much lower level of complexity. As a result of its simplicity a minimum in setting up of data is required and using the program is very straight forward with the user always aware of the database operations being performed.