continental margins
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Benthic habitats on the continental shelf are strongly influenced by exposure to the effects of surface ocean waves, and tidal, wind and density driven ocean currents. These processes combine to induce a combined flow bed shear stress upon the seabed which can mobilise sediments or directly influence organisms disturbing the benthic environment. Output from a suite of numerical models predicting these oceanic processes have been utilised to compute the combined flow bed shear stresses over the entire Australian continental shelf for an 8-year period (March 1997- February 2005 inclusive). To quantify the relative influence of extreme or catastrophic combined flow bed shear stress events and more frequent events of smaller magnitude, three methods of classifying the oceanographic levels of exposure are presented: 1. A spectral regionalisation method, 2. A method based on the shape of the probability distribution function, and 3. A method which assesses the balance between the amount of work a stress does on the seabed, and the frequency with which it occurs. Significant relationships occur between the three regionalisation maps indicating seabed exposure to oceanographic processes and physical sediment properties (mean grain size and bulk carbonate content), and water depth, particularly when distinction is made between regions dominated by high-frequency (diurnal or semi-diurnal) events and low-frequency (synoptic or annual) events. It is concluded that both magnitude and frequency of combined-flow bed shear stresses must be considered when characterising the benthic environment. The regionalisation outputs of the Australian continental shelf presented in this study are expected to be of benefit to quantifying exposure of seabed habitats on the continental shelf to oceanographic processes in future habitat classification schemes for marine planning and policy procedures.
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Developing a consistent sequence stratigraphy for the Wilkes Land and Great Australian Bight margins
The conjugate margins of Wilkes Land, Antarctica, and the Great Australian Bight (GAB) are amongst the least understood continental margins. Break up along the GAB-Wilkes Land part of the Australian-Antarctic margin commenced at approximately 83 Ma. Using recent stratigraphic interpretations developed for the GAB, we have established a sequence stratigraphy for the Wilkes Land margin that will, for the first time, allow for a unified study of the conjugate margins. By reconstructing the two margins to their positions prior to break up we were able to identify comparable packages on the Wilkes Land margin to those recognised on the GAB margin. Excluding the glacial sediments on the Antarctic margin, the sedimentary sequence along the Wilkes Land margin is very thin compared to the GAB margin, which has substantially more syn- and post-rift sediments. Despite the differences in thickness, the syn-rift sedimentary package on the Wilkes Land margin exhibits a similar style of extensional faulting and seismic character to its GAB margin counterpart. In comparison, post-rift sequences on the Wilkes Land margin are markedly different in geometry and seismic character from those found on the GAB margin. Isopach mapping shows substantial differences in the thickness of the post-breakup sediments, suggesting different sediment sources for the two margins. The Late Cretaceous Hammerhead Supersequence provides much of the post-rift thickness for the GAB margin as a result of large sediment influx into the basin. This supersequence is characterised by a thick progradational succession and was deposited in fluvio-deltaic and marine environments. The equivalent succession on the Wilkes Land margin has a different seismic character. It is thinner and aggradational, suggesting a distal marine environment of deposition.
This paper gives an interpretation of the continental margin off Willkes Land and Terre Adelie, East Antarctica, concentrating on the transition from continental to oceanic crust. The interpretation is based on the deep-seismic and potential field data acquired under the Australian Antarctic and Southern Ocean Profiling Project in 2001 and 2002.
The rifted margins of eastern and southern Australia formed during multiple periods of extension associated with the fragmentation and dispersal of Gondwana in the Late Jurassic to Early Eocene (Veevers & Ettreim 1988; Veevers et al. 1991). The sedimentary basins of the Southern Rift System (Stagg et al. 1990) extend from Broken Ridge in the west, to the South Tasman Rise (STR) in the east. Collectively, these depocentres cover an area in excess of 1 million square kilometres (excluding the STR), with the thickest sediments (up to 15 km) occurring in the Ceduna Sub-basin of the Bight Basin. Early phases of the extension during the late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous resulted in the formation of a series of west-northwesterly trending continental rift basins along the southern margin of Australia and a series of north-northwest trending transtensional basins along the western margin of Tasmania. The amount of upper crustal extension varied between basins of the rift system. This phase of upper crustal extension preceded eventual breakup between the Australian and Antarctic plates off the Bight Basin in the latest Santonian to earliest Campanian (Sayers et al. 2001). The nature of source rocks within the rift basins reflects the eastward propagation of the rift system through time, with largely terrestrial systems dominating in the early rift stages, followed by marine inundation from the Aptian onwards (west of the Otway Basin). In the Otway Basin, the first marine influence is recorded during the early Turonian, while in the Sorell and Bass basins marine conditions prevailed from ?Maastrichtian and middle Eocene time, respectively. Terrestrial progradational systems in the Late Cretaceous are important in the maturation of potential source rocks in the Bight and Otway basins, while Neogene carbonate-dominated systems are important in the Sorell, Bass and Gippsland basins. Outside of the Gippsland Basin where exploration has reached a mature status, the southern margin basins remain frontier to moderately exploration areas, with an overall drilling density (excluding the Gippsland Basin) of approximately 1 well per 6,000 square kilometres. Key Words: Australian Southern Margin, Southern Rift System, petroleum systems References SAYERS, J., SYMONDS, P.A., DIREEN, N.G. and BERNARDEL, G., 2001. Nature of the continent-ocean transition on the non-volcanic rifted margin of the central Great Australian Bight. In, Wilson, R.C.L., Whitmarsh, R.B., Taylor, B., and Froitzheim, N., (Eds), Non-Volcanic Rifting of Continental Margins; A Comparison of Evidence from Land and Sea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 187, 51?77. STAGG, H.M.J., COCKSHELL, C.D., WILLCOX, J.B., HILL, A., NEEDHAM, D.J.L., THOMAS, B., O?BRIEN, G.W. and HOUGH, P., 1990. Basins of the Great Australian Bight region, geology and petroleum potential. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia, Continental Margins Program Folio 5. VEEVERS, J.J. and ETTREIM, S.L., 1988. Reconstruction of Australia and Antarctica at breakup (95 ? 5 Ma) from magnetic and seismic data at the continental margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 355?362. VEEVERS, J.J., POWELL, C.MCA. and ROOTS, S.R., 1991. Review of seafloor spreading around Australia, I. Synthesis of the patterns of spreading. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, 373?389. WILLCOX, J.B. and STAGG, H.M.J., 1990. Australia?s southern margin, a product of oblique extension. Tectonophysics, 173, 269?281.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
Despite long history of studies the Wallaby Plateau offshore Western Australia remains a controversial feature. Analysis of interval seismic velocities from Geoscience Australia's 2008/09 seismic survey 310 in conjunction with seismic reflection interpretation provides new insights into the geology of the Plateau. Seismically distinctive divergent dipping reflector (DDR) packages have been identified. The seismic character of the DDR packages is similar to seaward dipping reflector (SDR) packages of inferred volcanic composition. Initial analysis of seismic velocity profiles indicated affinities between the DDR packages and known sedimentary strata in the Houtman Sub-basin. Effect of water loading on seismic velocities is commonly ignored in offshore studies. However, direct comparative analysis of interval velocity patterns between areas of significantly different water depth requires various water pressure related changes in velocity to be accounted for. There are controversies in methodology and application of water depth adjustment to seismic velocities, and presentation of velocity models as function of pressure rather than two-way time, or depth emerges as a possible solution. Water depth adjustment of seismic velocities analysed in our study reduces distinction between SDRs, DDRs and sedimentary strata such that discrimination between volcanic and sedimentary strata in DDR or SDR packages is equivocal. A major uncertainty of this interpretation is due to a lack of the reference velocity model of SDRs and DDRs investigated globally.