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Compiled by Tectonic Map Committee, Geological Society of Australia, in association with the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics and the State Mines Departments and with the assistance of Australian Universities, Mining and Oil Exploration Companies and the Royal Australian Navy. Base map and bathymetric contours prepared by the Division of National Mapping. Drawn and published by the Bureau of mineral resources, Geology and Geophysics, Department of national Development.
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Geoscience Australia's National Gravity Database contains data from more than 1,000,000 point gravity observations on the Australian mainland. These data have been collected from 1,814 gravity surveys dating back to 1937. This repository of gravity information is a valuable national asset with importance to the mineral and petroleum exploration industries, geodesy and the international scientific community. This February 2002 release contains approximately 30,000 more stations than the 2001 release.