Mineral exploration
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The Janina 1 borehole was drilled approximately 110 km W of Bourke, New South Wales. The borehole was designed to test aeromagnetic anomalies in the basement rocks and to test the electrical conductivity properties of cover and basement rocks to validate airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data.
The Tongo 1 borehole was drilled approximately 83 km NE of White Cliffs, New South Wales. The borehole was designed to test aeromagnetic anomalies in the basement rocks and to test the electrical conductivity properties of cover and basement rocks to validate airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data.
<div>The study utilised Geoscience Australia’s vast data collection of mineral occurrences to identify the range of historical discoveries within the Officer-Musgrave, Darling-Curnamona - Delameian and Barkly - Isa - Georgetown Deep Dive areas. A literature review shed light on exploration discovery methods, commodity grades, exploration histories and deposit types. Many critical mineral occurrences were overlooked or ignored in the past, as the commodity discovered was not of interest or value at the time, or grades were regarded as sub-economic. However, with modern methods of mining, ore treatment techniques and increased demand, reassessment could now provide new opportunities.</div>
<div>The Proterozoic alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia is a surface geology compilation of alkaline and related igneous rocks of Proterozoic age in Australia. This dataset is one of five datasets, with compilations for Archean, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic alkaline and related igneous rocks already released.</div><div><br></div><div>Geological units are represented as polygon and point geometries and, are attributed with information that includes, but is not limited to, stratigraphic nomenclature and hierarchy, age, lithology, composition, proportion of alkaline rocks, body morphology, unit expression, emplacement type, presence of mantle xenoliths and diamonds, and primary data source. Source data for the geological unit polygons provided in Data Quality LINEAGE. Geological units are grouped into informal geographic “alkaline provinces”, which are represented as polygon geometries, and attributed with information similar to that provided for the geological units.</div>
<div>Alkaline and related rocks are a relatively rare class of igneous rocks worldwide. Alkaline rocks encompass a wide range of rock types and are mineralogically and geochemically diverse. They are typically though to have been derived by generally small to very small degrees of partial melting of a wide range of mantle compositions. As such these rocks have the potential to convey considerable information on the evolution of the Earth’s mantle (asthenosphere and lithosphere), particularly the role of metasomatism which may have been important in their generation or to which such rocks may themselves have contributed. Such rocks, by their unique compositions and or enriched source protoliths, also have considerable metallogenic potential, e.g., diamonds, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, REEs. It is evident that the geographic occurrences of many of these rock types are also important, and may relate to presence of old cratons, craton margins or major lithospheric breaks. Finally, many alkaline rocks also carry with them mantle xenoliths providing a snapshot of the lithospheric mantle composition at the time of their emplacement.</div><div><br></div><div>Accordingly, although alkaline and related rocks comprise only a volumetrically minor component of the geology of Australia, they are of considerable importance to studies of lithospheric composition, evolution and architecture and to helping constrain the temporal evolution of the lithosphere, as well as more directly to metallogenesis and mineralisation.</div><div><br></div><div>This contribution presents data on the distribution and geology of Australian alkaline and related rocks of Proterozoic age. Proterozoic alkaline and related rocks are primarily restricted to the western two-thirds of the Australia continent, congruent with the distribution of Proterozoic rocks more generally. Proterozoic alkaline rock units are most abundant in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, with minor occurrences in South Australia, and the western regions of Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania.</div><div><br></div><div>The report and accompanying GIS document the distribution, age, lithology, mineralogy and other characteristics of these rocks (e.g., extrusive/intrusive, presence of mantle xenoliths, presence of diamonds), as well as references for data sources and descriptions. The report also reviews the nomenclature of alkaline rocks and classification procedures. GIS metadata are documented in the appendices. </div>
<div>Earth observation is a fast and cost-effective method for greenfields exploration of critical minerals at a continental to regional scale. A broad range of optical satellite sensors are now available to mineral explorers for collecting Earth observation information (EOI) at various spatial and spectral resolutions, with different capabilities for direct identification of mineral groups and/or species as well as selected chemical elements. The spectral resolution of many of the latest imaging spectroscopy satellite systems (e.g., PRISMA - https://www.asi.it/en/earth-science/prisma/; EnMap - https://www.enmap.org/; EMIT - https://earth.jpl.nasa.gov/emit/) allow the mapping of the relative mineral abundance and, in selected cases, even the chemical composition of hydrothermal alteration minerals and pegmatite indicator minerals, such as white mica, chlorite and tourmaline. More specialised hyperspectral satellite systems, such as DESIS (https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13614/) feature a very high spectral resolution (235 bands at 2.55 nm sampling and 3.5 nm full width half maximum) across parts of the Visible to Near-Infrared (VNIR) wavelength range, opening up the possibility for direct mapping of rare earth elements, such as neodymium. The pixel size of the imaging spectroscopy satellite systems is commonly 30 m, which can be sufficient to map hydrothermal footprints of ore deposits or surface expressions of typical rare element host rocks, such as pegmatites and carbonatites. However, airborne hyperspectral surveys still provide a higher spatial resolution, which can be essential in a given mineral exploration campaign. Selected multispectral satellite systems, such as ASTER (https://terra.nasa.gov/data/aster-data) and WorldView3 (https://resources.maxar.com/data-sheets/worldview-3) do have bands at important wavelength ranges in the shortwave infrared, but not with high enough spectral resolution to clearly identify many indicator minerals for critical minerals deposits. Most publicly available satellite imagery comprises multispectral systems that are focussed on the VNIR, such as Landsat and Sentinel, but which allow the direct identification of only very few mineral groups (mainly iron oxides) and not hydroxylated vector minerals (e.g., white mica, chlorite, tourmaline). This work aims to provide a summary of currently available optical satellite sensors and high-level comparison of their applications for critical minerals exploration. In addition to the spatial and spectral resolution, the impact of, for example, signal-to-noise ratio, striping and band width on accurate mineral and element mapping is discussed. For this, case studies are presented that demonstrate the potential use of the respective sensors for different stages of an exploration campaign and also the opportunities for integration with other geoscience data across scales. This abstract was presented to the 13th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (WHISPERS) November 2023 (https://www.ieee-whispers.com/)
The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset (<a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.11636/Record.2011.020">http://dx.doi.org/10.11636/Record.2011.020</a>). The present dataset provides additional geochemical data for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb acquired as part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program and in support of the Australian Government’s 2023-2030 Critical Minerals Strategy. The dataset fills a knowledge gap about Li distribution in Australia over areas dominated by transported regolith. The main ‘total’ element analysis method deployed for NGSA was based on making a fused bead using lithium-borate flux for XRF then ICP-MS analysis. Consequently, the samples could not be meaningfully analysed for Li. All 1315 NGSA milled coarse-fraction (<2 mm) top (“TOS”) catchment outlet sediment samples, taken from 0 to 10 cm depth in floodplain landforms, were analysed in the current project following the digestion method that provides near-total concentrations of Li, Be, Cs, and Rb. The samples were analysed by the commercial laboratory analysis service provider Bureau Veritas in Perth using low-level mixed acid (a mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids) digestion with elements determined by ICP-MS (Bureau Veritas methods MA110 and MA112). The data are reported in the same format as the NGSA dataset, allowing for seamless integration with previously released NGSA data. Further details on the QA/QC procedures as well as data interpretation will be reported elsewhere. This data release also includes four continental-scale geochemical maps for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb built from these analytical data. This dataset, in conjunction with previous data published by NGSA, will be of use to mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia by providing geochemical baselines for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb, as well as identifying regions of anomalism. Additionally, these data also have relevance to other applications in earth and environmental sciences.
<div>Heavy minerals (HMs) are those with a specific gravity greater than 2.9 g/cc (e.g., anatase, zircon). They have been used successfully in mineral exploration programs outside Australia for decades [1 and refs therein]. Individual HMs and combinations, or co-occurrence, of HMs can be characteristic of lithology, degree of metamorphism, alteration, weathering or even mineralisation. These are termed indicator minerals, and have been used in exploration for gold, diamonds, mineral sands, nickel-copper, platinum group elements, volcanogenic massive sulfides, non-sulfide zinc, porphyry copper-molybdenum, uranium, tin-tungsten, and rare earth elements mineralization. Although there are proprietary HM sample assets held by industry in Australia, no extensive public-domain dataset of the natural distribution of HMs across the continent currently exists.</div><div> We describe a vision for a national-scale heavy mineral (HM) map generated through automated mineralogical identification and quantification of HMs contained in floodplain sediments from large catchments covering most of Australia [1]. These samples were collected as part of the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA; www.ga.gov.au/ngsa) and are archived in Geoscience Australia’s rock store. The composition of the sediments can be assumed to reflect the dominant rock and soil types within each catchment (and potentially those upstream), with the generally resistant HMs largely preserving the mineralogical fingerprint of their host protoliths through the weathering-transport-deposition cycle. </div><div> Underpinning this vision is a pilot project, focusing on a subset of NGSA to demonstrate the feasibility of the larger, national-scale project. Ten NGSA sediment samples were selected and both bulk and HM fractions were analysed for quantitative mineralogy using a Tescan® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA) at the John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University (Figure 1). Given the large and complex nature of the resultant HM dataset, we built a bespoke, cloud-based mineral network analysis (MNA) tool to visualise, explore and discover relationships between HMs, as well as between them and geological setting or mineral deposits. The pilot project affirmed our expectations that a rich and diverse mineralogical ecosystem will be revealed by expanding HM mapping to the continental scale. </div><div> A first partial data release in 2022 was the first milestone of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The area concerned is the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian region of southeastern Australia, where the richly endowed Broken Hill mineral province lies. Here, we identified over 140 heavy minerals from 29 million individual mineral observations in 223 sediment samples. Using the MNA tool, one can quickly identify interesting base metal mineral associations and their spatial distributions (Figure 2).</div><div> We envisage that the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia and the MNA tool will contribute significantly to mineral prospectivity analysis and modelling in Australia, particularly for technology critical elements and their host minerals, which are central to the global economy transitioning to a more sustainable, decarbonised paradigm.</div><div><br></div>Figure 1. Distribution map of ten selected heavy minerals in the heavy mineral fractions of the ten NGSA pilot samples (pie charts), overlain on Australia’s geological regions (variable colors) [2]). Map projection: Albers equal area.</div><div><br></div><div>Figure 2. Graphical user interface for the Geoscience Australia MNA cloud-based visualization tool for the DCD project (https://geoscienceaustralia.shinyapps.io/HMMA-MNA/) showing the network for Zn minerals with the gahnite subnetwork highlighted (left) and the map of gahnite distribution (right).</div><div> <strong>References</strong></div><div>[1] Caritat et al., 2022, Minerals, 12(8), 961. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12080961 </div><div>[2] Blake & Kilgour, 1998, Geosci Aust. https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/32366 </div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Mineral Prospectivity and Exploration Targeting (MinProXT 2022) webinar, Freiburg, Germany, 01 - 03 November (www.minproxt.com)
<div>The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset. The present dataset contains additional mineralogical data obtained on NGSA samples selected from the Barkly-Isa-Georgetown (BIG) region of northeastern Australia for the second partial data release of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The HMMA project, a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and Curtin University underpinned by a pilot project establishing its feasibility, is part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program.</div><div>One-hundred and eighty eight NGSA sediment samples were selected from the HMMA project within the EFTF’s BIG polygon plus an approximately one-degree buffer. The samples were taken on average from 60 to 80 cm depth in floodplain landforms, dried and sieved to a 75-430 µm grainsize fraction, and the contained heavy minerals (HMs; i.e., those with a specific gravity > 2.9 g/cm3) were separated by dense fluids and mounted on cylindrical epoxy mounts. After polishing and carbon-coating, the mounts were subjected to automated mineralogical analysis on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). Using scanning electron microscopy and backscatter electron imaging integrated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, the TIMA identified 151 different HMs in the BIG area. The dataset, consisting of over 18 million individual mineral grains, was quality controlled and validated by an expert team. The data released here can be visualised, explored and downloaded using an online, bespoke mineral network analysis (MNA) tool built on a cloud-based platform. Preliminary analysis suggests that copper minerals cuprite and chalcopyrite may be indicative of base-metal/copper mineralisation in the area. Accompanying this report are two data files of TIMA results, and a minerals vocabulary file. </div><div>When completed in 2023, it is hoped the HMMA project will positively impact mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia, as well as have other applications in earth and environmental sciences.</div>
<div>Tin and tungsten have good potentials for increased demand applications particularly in the electrical and energy storage areas. Similar to other critical metals like Li and Co, Sn and W are essential ingredients for many applications and technologies that are important for a sustainable future. </div><div> </div><div>Granite related hydrothermal mineral systems are the predominant source for Sn and W deposits.Cassiterite, wolframite and scheelite are primary Sn and W ore minerals in nature. The distribution of Sn rich areas around the world is uneven, which may reflects that geochemical heritage is fundamental to form Sn and W deposits. Besides, magmatic differentiation has been considered as another efficient way to enrich Sn in various geological reservoirs. The tectonic setting of Sn and W mineralisation is well understood, with most Sn and W deposits having formed at active margin settings. A comparison between the Tethyan and Andean Sn-W mineral systems confirmed that Sn and W mineral systems can form under thickened continental crust associated with an oceanic crust subduction. The importance of granitoids for the formation of Sn and W mineral systems is well understood. The genetic affinity of causative intrusions can be either S-type, I-type or A-type, but a common feature is that they are reduced (or ilmenite series) and highly evolved (high SiO2 content and high Rb/Sr ratio). Another prominent feature for Sn and W mineral systems is their high concentration of critical metals, including Li, Ce, Ta and In etc. Therefore, Sn and W mineralisation has a close association with other critical metal mineralisation. Overall, the precipitation mechanisms of W (wolframite and scheelite) and Sn (cassiterite) ore minerals from the hydrothermal fluid include (1) fluids mixing, (2) boiling and, (3) water-rock interaction. </div><div><br></div><div>Recent studies have highlighted discrepancies in Sn mineralisation and W mineralisation conditions. Although Sn- and W-associated granites have substantial overlapping characteristics, many of their physico-chemical natures (e.g., aluminum-saturation index (ASI) values, zirconium saturation temperatures and crystal fractionation degrees) are distinctive, suggesting Sn- and W-granites may form under different geological conditions. The difference between Sn mineralisation and W mineralisation is also evident by their contrasting fluid-melt partitioning coefficients. Tungsten strongly partitions into the aqueous fluid and can be transported farther away from the intrusion, but Sn slightly partitions into the silicate melt and can precipitate as magmatic cassiterite or be incorporated into crystallizing micas (which can have >100 ppm Sn). Another area warranting more study is understanding the elemental associations observed in Sn and W mineral systems. It is common to have many other metals in Sn-dominant mineral systems, for example W, Li, Nb, Ta. For W-dominant mineral systems, apart from with Sn, other common associated metals include Mo, Au-Bi and Cu. Nevertheless, the relationship between Sn-W and Cu-Au mineral systems at both the regional/provincial-scale and deposit-scale is an intriguing puzzle, because Sn-W and Cu-Au deposits are generally formed under different geological conditions, though their tectonic setting are similar, i.e., arc-related subduction and continental collision. An emerging field for understanding Sn and W mineral systems is made possible with the development of micro-analytical techniques, e.g., in-situ U-Pb geochronology and O-isotopic analyses on cassiterite and wolframite enable a greater understanding of Sn and W mineralising systems. Since both are the primary ore minerals, U-Pb dating on them can deliver direct age information - an advantage compared with many other commodities types like Cu, Au and Ag. However, unlike those commodities, impactful advances on Sn and W exploration models, techniques, and tools have been deficient in recent years; therefore, more attention and effort is needed to boost Sn and W mineral exploration in the future.</div><div><br></div>This paper was presented to the 2022 Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions IX (ACROFI IX) Conference 12-13 December (http://www.csmpg.org.cn/tzgg2017/202210/t20221011_6522628.html)