Exploration Geochemistry
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The Roebuck Basin on Australia’s offshore north-western margin is the focus of a regional hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment being undertaken by the Offshore Energy Systems Section. This offshore program is designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of the central North West Shelf and attract exploration investment to Australia. The recent oil and gas discoveries at Phoenix South 1 (2014), Roc 1 (2015-16), Roc 2 (2016), Phoenix South 2 (2016), Phoenix South 3 (2018), Dorado 1 (2018) and Dorado 2–3 (2019) in the Bedout Sub-basin demonstrate the presence of a petroleum system in Lower Triassic strata (Grosjean et al., 2021; Rollet et al., 2019). As part of this program, a range of organic geochemical analyses were acquired on petroleum fluids from the Dorado 1 and Roc 2 wells with these data released in this report.
The values and distribution patterns of the strontium (Sr) isotope ratio 87Sr/86Sr in Earth surface materials is of use in the geological, environmental and social sciences. Ultimately, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of any mineral or biological material reflects its value in the rock that is the parent material to the local soil and everything that lives in and on it. In Australia, there are few large-scale surveys of 87Sr/86Sr available, and here we report on a new, low-density dataset using 112 catchment outlet (floodplain) sediment samples covering 529,000 km2 of inland southeastern Australia (South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria). The coarse (<2 mm) fraction of bottom sediment samples (depth ~0.6-0.8 m) from the National Geochemical Survey of Australia were fully digested before Sr separation by chromatography and 87Sr/86Sr determination by multicollector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The results show a wide range of 87Sr/86Sr values from a minimum of 0.7089 to a maximum of 0.7511 (range 0.0422). The median 87Sr/86Sr (± robust standard deviation) is 0.7199 (± 0.0112), and the mean (± standard deviation) is 0.7220 (± 0.0106). The spatial patterns of the Sr isoscape observed are described and attributed to various geological sources and processes. Of note are the elevated (radiogenic) values (≥~0.7270; top quartile) contributed by (1) the Palaeozoic sedimentary country rock and (mostly felsic) igneous intrusions of the Lachlan geological region to the east of the study area; (2) the Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic rocks of the central Broken Hill region; both these sources contribute fluvial sediments into the study area; and (3) the Proterozoic to Palaeozoic rocks of the Kanmantoo, Adelaide, Gawler and Painter geological regions to the west of the area; these sources contribute radiogenic material to the region mostly by aeolian processes. Regions of low 87Sr/86Sr (≤~0.7130; bottom quartile) belong mainly to (1) a few central Murray Basin catchments; (2) some Darling Basin catchments in the northeast; and (3) a few Eromanga geological region-influenced catchments in the northwest of the study area. The new spatial dataset is publicly available through the Geoscience Australia portal (https://portal.ga.gov.au/restore/cd686f2d-c87b-41b8-8c4b-ca8af531ae7e).
Rapid, efficient, and accurate prediction of mineral occurrence that takes uncertainty into 20 account is essential to optimise defining exploration targets. Traditional approaches to mineral 21 potential mapping often fail to fully appreciate spatial uncertainties of input predictors and their 22 spatial cross-correlation. In this study a stochastic technique based on multivariate 23 geostatistical simulations and ensemble tree-based learners is introduced for predicting and 24 uncertainty quantification of mineral exploration targets. The technique is tested on a synthetic 25 case inspired by the characteristics of a hydrothermal mineral system model and a real-world 26 dataset from the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. Results from the two cases proved the 27 superior performance and robustness of the proposed stochastic technique, especially when 28 dealing with high dimensional and large data sets. <b>Citation:</b> Talebi, H., Mueller, U., Peeters, L.J.M. et al. Stochastic Modelling of Mineral Exploration Targets. <i>Math Geosci </i>54, 593–621 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11004-021-09989-z
NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-Basin, a depocentre newly discovered in the South Nicholson region based on interpretation from seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) recently acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1120 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks unconformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. Continuous cores recovered from 283 m to a total depth of 1750 m provide samples of the highest quality for a comprehensive geochemical program designed to inform on the energy and mineral prospectivity of the Carrara Sub-basin. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) contents from Rock-Eval pyrolysis of the Cambrian and Proterozoic sections demonstrate the potential for several thick black shales as source rocks and unconventional plays. Evidence for retained hydrocarbons included bituminous oil stains in centimetre-scale vugs within the Cambrian Georgina Basin and several oil bleeds within the Proterozoic section. The latter also contains surface gas with up to 2% methane concentrations measured within carbonaceous mudstones. Geochemical analyses of hydrocarbon shows highlight the occurrence of several petroleum systems operating in this frontier region. The results at NDI Carrara 1 offer the promise of a new exciting resource province in northern Australia.
Geoscience Australia currently uses two commercial petroleum system modelling software packages, PetroMod https://www.software.slb.com/products/petromod and Zetaware http://www.zetaware.com, to undertake burial and thermal history modelling on wells in Australian sedimentary basins. From the integration of geological (age-based sedimentary packages, uplift and erosional events), petrophysical (porosity, permeability, and thermal conductivity) and thermal (downhole temperature, heat flow, vitrinite reflectance, and Tmax) input data, to name the most significant, a best-fit model of the time-temperature history is generated. Since the transformation of sedimentary organic matter (kerogen) into petroleum (oil and gas) is a chemical reaction, it is governed by chemical kinetics i.e. time and temperature (in the geological setting, pressure is of secondary importance). Thus, the use of chemical kinetics associated with a formation-specific, immature potential source rock (where available) from the basin of interest is considered a better practical approach rather than relying on software kinetic defaults, which are generally based on the chemical kinetics determined experimentally on Northern Hemisphere organic matter types. As part of the Offshore Energy Systems program hydrocarbons from the Lower Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation were selected where available from onshore wells; compositional kinetics (1-, 2-, 4- and 14-component (phase) kinetics) were undertaken by GeoS4, Germany. The phase kinetics approach is outlined in Appendix 1. This report provides the compositional kinetics for potential source rocks from the Lower Cretaceous Otway Group, Otway Basin, Australia. The kinetic data were used in the offshore petroleum system modelling reported in Schenk et al. (2021).
Preamble: The 'National Geochemical Survey of Australia: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia' was published in July 2011 along with a digital copy of the NGSA geochemical dataset (http://dx.doi.org/10.11636/Record.2011.020). The NGSA project is described here: www.ga.gov.au/ngsa. The present dataset contains additional geochemical data obtained on NGSA samples: the Lead Isotopes Dataset. Abstract: Over 1200 new lead (Pb) isotope analyses were obtained on catchment outlet sediment samples from the NGSA regolith archive to document the range and patterns of Pb isotope ratios in the surface regolith and their relationships to geology and anthropogenic activity. The selected samples included 1204 NGSA Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) samples taken from 0 to 10 cm depth and sieved to <2 mm (or ‘coarse’ fraction); three of these were analysed in duplicate for a total of 1207 Pb isotope analyses. Further, 12 Northern Australia Geochemical Survey (NAGS; http://dx.doi.org/10.11636/Record.2019.002) TOS samples from within a single NGSA catchment, also sieved to <2 mm, were analysed to provide an indication of smaller scale variability. Combined, we thus present 1219 new TOS coarse, internally comparable data points, which underpin new national regolith Pb isoscapes. Additionally, 16 NGSA Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS; ~60 to 80 cm depth) samples, also sieved to <2 mm, and 16 NGSA TOS samples sieved to a finer grainsize (<75 um, or ‘fine’) fraction from selected NGSA catchments were also included to inform on Pb mobility and residence. Lead isotope analyses were performed by Candan Desem as part of her PhD research at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne. After an initial ammonium acetate (AmAc) leach, the samples were digested in aqua regia (AR). Although a small number of samples were analysed after the AmAc leach, all samples were analysed after the second, AR digestion, preparation step. The analyses were performed without prior matrix removal using a Nu Instruments Attom single collector Sector Field-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (SF-ICP-MS). The dried soil digests were redissolved in 2% HNO3 run solutions containing high-purity thallium (1 ppb Tl) and diluted to provide ~1 ppb Pb in solution. Admixture of natural, Pb-free Tl (with a nominal 205Tl/203Tl of 2.3871) allowed for correction of instrumental mass bias effects. Concentrations of matrix elements in the diluted AR digests are estimated to be in the range of 1–2 ppm. The SF-ICP-MS was operated in wet plasma mode using a Glass Expansion cyclonic spray chamber and glass nebuliser with an uptake rate of 0.33 mL/min. The instrument was tuned for maximum sensitivity and provided ~1 million counts per second/ppb Pb while maintaining flat-topped peaks. Each analysis, performed in the Attom’s ‘deflector peak jump’ mode, consists of 30 sets of 2000 sweeps of masses 202Hg, 203Tl, 204Pb, 205Tl, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb, with dwell times of 500 μs and a total analysis time of 4.5 min. Each sample acquisition was preceded by a blank determination. All corrections for baseline, sample Hg interference (202Hg/204Pb ratios were always <0.043) and mass bias were performed online, producing typical in-run precisions (2 standard errors) of ±0.047 for 206Pb/204Pb, ±0.038 for 207Pb/204Pb, ±0.095 for 208Pb/204Pb, ±0.0012 for 207Pb/206Pb and ±0.0026 for 208Pb/206Pb. A small number of samples with low Pb concentrations exhibited very low signal sizes during analysis resulting in correspondingly high analytical uncertainties. Samples producing within-run uncertainties of >1% relative (measured on the 207Pb/204Pb ratio) were discarded as being insufficiently precise to contribute meaningfully to the dataset. Data quality was monitored using interspersed analyses of Tl-doped ~1 ppb solutions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SRM981 Pb standard, and several silicate reference materials: United States Geological Survey ‘BCR-2’ and ‘AGV-2’, Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques ‘BR’ and Japan Geological Survey ‘JB-2’. In a typical session, up to 50 unknowns plus 15 standards were analysed using an ESI SC-2 DX autosampler. Although previous studies using the Attom SF-ICP-MS used sample-standard-bracketing techniques to correct for instrumental Pb mass bias, Tl doping was found to produce precise, accurate and reproducible results. Based upon the data for the BCR-2 and AGV-2 secondary reference materials, for which we have the most analyses, deviations from accepted values (accuracy) were typically <0.17%. Data for the remaining silicate standards appear slightly less accurate but these results may, to some extent, reflect uncertainty in the assigned literature values for these materials. Replicate runs of selected AR digests yielded similar reproducibility estimates. The results show a wide range of Pb isotope ratios in the NGSA (and NAGS) TOS <2 mm fraction samples across the continent (N = 1219): 206Pb/204Pb: Min = 15.558; Med ± Robust SD = 18.844 ± 0.454; Mean ± SD = 19.047 ± 1.073; Max = 30.635 207Pb/204Pb; Min = 14.358; Med ± Robust SD = 15.687 ± 0.091; Mean ± SD = 15.720 ± 0.221; Max = 18.012 208Pb/204Pb; Min = 33.558; Med ± Robust SD = 38.989 ± 0.586; Mean ± SD = 39.116 ± 1.094; Max = 48.873 207Pb/206Pb; Min = 0.5880; Med ± Robust SD = 0.8318 ± 0.0155; Mean ± SD = 0.8270 ± 0.0314; Max = 0.9847 208Pb/206Pb; Min = 1.4149; Med ± Robust SD = 2.0665 ± 0.0263; Mean ± SD = 2.0568 ± 0.0675; Max = 2.3002 These data allow the construction of the first continental-scale regolith Pb isotope maps (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/206Pb, and 208Pb/206Pb isoscapes) of Australia and can be used to understand contributions of Pb from underlying bedrock (including Pb-rich mineralisation), wind-blown dust and possibly from anthropogenic sources (industrial, transport, agriculture, residential, waste handling). The complete dataset is available to download as a comma separated values (CSV) file from Geoscience Australia's website (http://dx.doi.org/10.26186/5ea8f6fd3de64). Isoscape grids (inverse distance weighting interpolated grids with a power coefficient of 2 prepared in QGis using GDAL gridding tool based on nearest neighbours) are also provided for the five Pb isotope ratios (IDW2NN.TIF files in zipped folder). Alternatively, the new Pb isotope data can be downloaded from and viewed on the GA Portal (https://portal.ga.gov.au/).
<div>A groundwater chemistry, regolith chemistry and metadata record for legacy geochemical studies over the southern Curnamona Province done by GA and partners as part of CRC LEME from 1999 to 2005, that was never fully released. This includes comprehensive groundwater chemistry from more than 250 bores in the Broken Hill region, containing physicochemical parameters, major and trace elements, and a suite of isotopes (34S, Pb, Sr, 18O, D). Recent work on this dataset (in 2021) has added hydrostratigraphic information for these groundwater samples. Also included is a regolith geochemistry dataset collected adjacent to some of the groundwater bores which tests the geochemical response of a range of different size fractions, depths and digests.</div>
<div>Indicator minerals are those minerals that indicate the presence of a specific mineral deposit, alteration or lithology[1]. Their utility to the exploration industry has been demonstrated in a range of environments and across multiple deposit types including Cu-Au porphyry[2], Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag VMS[3] and Ni-Cu-PGE[4]. Recent developments in the field of SEM-EDS analysis have enabled the rapid quantitative identification of indicator minerals during regional sampling campaigns[4,5].</div><div>Despite the demonstrated utility of indicator minerals for diamond and base metal exploration in Canada, Russia and Africa, there are relatively few case studies published from Australian deposits. We present the results of an indicator mineral case study over the Julimar exploration project located 90 km NE of Perth. The Gonneville Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, discovered by Chalice Mining in 2020, is hosted within a ~30 km long belt of 2670 Ma ultramafic intrusions within the western margin of the Yilgarn Craton[6].</div><div>Stream sediments collected from drainage channels around the Gonneville deposit were analysed by quantitative mineralogy techniques to determine if a unique indicator mineral footprint exists there. Samples were processed and analysed for heavy minerals using a workflow developed for the Curtin University-Geoscience Australia Heavy Mineral Map of Australia project[7]. Results indicate elevated abundances of indicator minerals associated with ultramafic/mafic magmatism and Ni-sulfide mineralisation in the drainages within the Julimar project area, including pyrrhotite, pentlandite, pyrite and chromite. We conclude that indicator mineral studies using automated mineralogy are powerful, yet currently underutilised, tools for mineral exploration in Australian environments.</div><div>[1]McClenaghan, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1144/1467-7873/03-066 </div><div>[2]Hashmi et al., 2015. https://doi.org/10.1144/geochem2014-310 </div><div>[3]Lougheed et al., 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10040310 </div><div>[4]McClenaghan & Cabri, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1144/1467-7873/10-IM-026 </div><div>[5]Porter et al., 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103406 </div><div>[6]Lu et al., 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.35768.47367 </div><div>[7]Caritat et al., 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12080961 </div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference 13-18 Mar (https://2023.aegc.com.au/)
<div>The push of mineral exploration under cover requires developing new geochemical exploration approaches. Detailed hydrogeochemistry addresses these needs and is valuable as a non-invasive mineral exploration technique that can identify lithological changes and dispersion signatures associated with mineralisation. Here we integrate whole-rock geochemistry and hydrogeochemistry to evaluate suitable geochemical tracers in groundwater for detecting phosphate and/or Pb-Zn style mineralisation in the Georgina Basin. The known Georgina Basin’s phosphate deposits are within the basin’s aquifers, providing groundwater near deposits greater exposure and opportunity for water-rock interactions with mineralised geology, resulting in trace element and isotope signatures of mineralisation at detectable levels. These tracers can then be applied elsewhere in the basin as a screening tool for detecting mineralisation. To achieve this, we collected rock geochemistry from the MinEx CRC East Tennant National Drilling Initiative Campaign (ME-ET) drillcore, and integrated it with nearby hydrogeochemistry (from the Northern Australia Hydrogeochemical Survey (NAHS)). </div><div><br></div><div>The NAHS was collected by Geoscience Australia as part of EFTF, which included 170 samples from Georgina Basin aquifers. This hydrogeochemistry dataset is high quality, due to robust sampling, QA/QC procedures and a comprehensive analysis suite, making it a useful tool for mineral exploration in the Georgina Basin. The ME-ET drilled 10 stratigraphic holes east of Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, in support of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program (EFTF). Seventy six Georgina Basin rock samples were collected for whole rock geochemistry and a subset for Pb and Sr isotopes. Samples were selected to target: 1) background unmineralised lithostratigraphy, 2) intervals with groundwater intersections, and 3) transects through zones with anomalous concentrations of P, Pb, Zn and Cu, as identified by portable XRF analysis. </div><div><br></div><div>Initial exploratory data analysis of the hydrogeochemistry is conducted at various scales using principle component analysis and clustering approaches to identify the key attributes (major and trace elements, isotopes, hydrogeology etc.) that are associated with higher P content in the groundwater. These relationships are tested by comparing groundwater samples proximal (in depth and spatially) to high P compositions in the host rock, providing insight into the water-rock interactions taking place. Additionally, vertical whole rock geochemistry transects within the drill-holes are investigated to evaluate the trace element and/or isotopic features that are diagnostic of the enriched phosphate zones. We take the robust geochemical relationships identified from both approaches and apply them as tracers across the NAHS to flag areas of potential undiscovered mineralisation. As we will demonstrate, the NAHS can detect subtle or diluted mineralisation signatures, and underpins a revised understanding of phosphate mineral prospectivity in the Georgina Basin.</div> Abstract submitted and presented at 2023 Australian Earth Science Convention (AESC), Perth WA (https://2023.aegc.com.au/)
<div>We present the first national-scale lead (Pb) isotope maps of Australia based on surface regolith for five isotope ratios, <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb, <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb, <sup>208</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb, <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>206</sup>Pb, and <sup>208</sup>Pb/<sup>206</sup>Pb, determined by single collector Sector Field-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry after an Ammonium Acetate leach followed by Aqua Regia digestion. The dataset is underpinned principally by the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) archived floodplain sediment samples. We analysed 1219 ‘top coarse’ (0-10 cm depth, <2 mm grain size) samples, collected near the outlet of 1098 large catchments covering 5.647 million km2 (~75% of Australia). This paper focusses on the Aqua Regia dataset. The samples consist of mixtures of the dominant soils and rocks weathering in their respective catchments (and possibly those upstream) and are therefore assumed to form a reasonable representation of the average isotopic signature of those catchments. This assumption was tested in one of the NGSA catchments, within which 12 similar ‘top coarse’ samples were also taken; results show that the Pb isotope ratios of the NGSA catchment outlet sediment sample are close to the average of the 12 sub-catchment, upstream samples. National minimum, median and maximum values reported for <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb were 15.558, 18.844, 30.635; for <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb 14.358, 15.687, 18.012; for <sup>208</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb 33.558, 38.989, 48.873; for <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>206</sup>Pb 0.5880, 0.8318, 0.9847; and for <sup>208</sup>Pb/<sup>206</sup>Pb 1.4149, 2.0665, 2.3002, respectively. The new dataset was compared with published bedrock and ore Pb isotope data, and was found to dependably represent crustal elements of various ages from Archean to Phanerozoic. This suggests that floodplain sediment samples are a suitable proxy for basement and basin geology at this scale, despite various degrees of transport, mixing, and weathering experienced in the regolith environment, locally over protracted periods of time. An example of atmospheric Pb contamination around Port Pirie, South Australia, where a Pb smelter has operated since the 1890s, is shown to illustrate potential environmental applications of this new dataset. Other applications may include elucidating detail of Australian crustal evolution and mineralisation-related investigations. </div> <b>Citation:</b> Desem, C. U., de Caritat, P., Woodhead, J., Maas, R., and Carr, G.: A regolith lead isoscape of Australia, <o>Earth Syst. Sci. Data</i>, 16, 1383–1393, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-16-1383-2024, 2024.