Cartographic Library Collection
The cartographic collection of the Doc Fisher Geoscience Library consists of the maps and air photos created or acquired by agency staff since the formation of BMR in 1946. This includes maps produced by agencies which have merged with these over the years, such as AUSLIG. Maps held include: Australian geological map series (1:250,000, 1:100,000 and the 1 mile series); topographic maps produced by NATMAP and its predecessors (1:250,000, 1:100,000 and 1:50,000) - latest editions only; various Australian geochemical, geophysical and other thematic maps; geoscience map series from other countries acquired on an exchange basis, including some with accompanying explanatory notes; Non-series maps acquired by donation or exchange; atlases. The Air photos are predominantly those used for mapping Australia and, to a lesser extent, Papua New Guinea and Antarctica, by BMR/AGSO from the 1940s to the 1980s. Geographical coverage of the sets is not complete, but many individual photos are unique in that they have pin points, overlays or other markings made by teams in the field. The Papua New Guinea photographs in the collection may, in many cases, be the only existing copies. Flight diagrams are also held for many (but not all) sets of air photos. Some other related materials, such as montages of aerial photographs (orthophotos), are also represented in the collection.
Identification info
- Date (Publication)
- 1946-01-01T00:00:00
- Citation identifier
- Geoscience Australia Persistent Identifier/
- Cited responsible party
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Author Geoscience Australia
1 Author Nelson, C.
- Point of contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Custodian Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
Voice Point of contact Ryder, A.
Office of the Chief Scts Internal Contact Resource provider Office of the Chief Scientist
External Contact
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Continual
- Keywords
- Theme
- Theme
- Theme
- Theme
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
Earth Sciences
- Keywords
Resource constraints
- Title
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- License
Resource constraints
- Title
Australian Government Security ClassificationSystem
- Edition date
- 2018-11-01T00:00:00
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Distribution Information
- Distributor contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Distributor Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
- OnLine resource
Related Product
Visit the GA Library
- Distribution format
Resource lineage
- Statement
Maps and approximately 70% of Australian air photos have records on the Library catalogue. Metadata for all Australian air photos is also held on a delimited database file in the intbin\library folder of the Mudpit. This is used by an in-house catalogue located on the Library's intranet page. PNG air hoto data is held on Excel spreadsheets stored in TRIM.
- Hierarchy level
- Non geographic dataset
- Other
- Description
Consists of deposited copies of maps and cartographic materials created by the agency and its predecessors or acquired from other agencies or countries on an exchange basic or donation.
Metadata constraints
- Title
Australian Government Security ClassificationSystem
- Edition date
- 2018-11-01T00:00:00
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Metadata identifier
- Title
GeoNetwork UUID
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
- Contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Point of contact Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
Voice Point of contact Ryder, A.
Office of the Chief Scts Internal Contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Non geographic dataset
- Name
Alternative metadata reference
- Title
Geoscience Australia - short identifier for metadata record with
- Citation identifier
- eCatId/74594
- Date info (Revision)
- 2018-04-22T08:15:21
- Date info (Creation)
- 2012-08-24T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
AU/NZS ISO 19115-1:2014
Metadata standard
- Title
ISO 19115-1:2014
Metadata standard
- Title
ISO 19115-3
- Title
Geoscience Australia Community Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-1:2014
- Edition
Version 2.0, September 2018
- Citation identifier