marine jurisdiction
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This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery. The series of pdf's are for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the South East Trawl Fishery. The series of pdf's are available for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
Map produced for the Australian Governement Solicitor showing the territorial sea baseline and territorial sea as it was in 1829 when it was acquired by the Imperial Crown. Also shows the Uunguu (WAD 6033 of 1998) boundary. Map is for use of the Australian Government Solicitor
This map has been derived and simplified from Geoscience Australia's Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) version 1.1 and 2.0 data which is a digital representation of Australia's territorial sea baseline and the maritime limits and boundaries as established under the Sea and Submerged Lands Act 1973.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the South Tasman Rise Fishery. The series of pdf's are available for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Macquarie Island Fishery. The series of pdf's are for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows recorded positions from Exhibit 11/09/05-4.3 of suspected long lines within Australia's AFZ around Macquarie Island for the 25-26/05/2005. This map is not for public distribution.
The Australian Marine Jurisdiction is one of the largest in the world. If ratified by the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, just over half of Australia's land mass will be below the sea. With this marine jurisdiction comes a responsibility to manage and sustain the marine environment. This paper describes an initiative being undertaken by Geoscience Australia (GA) to develop an Australian Marine Spatial Information System (AMSIS). The paper outlines the progress made to date with this development. It will accurately locate marine features including interests and rights over the Australian Marine Jurisdiction. Arrangements are being made with other custodians of spatial boundary information so that AMSIS will become an accepted source of integrated information. In developing and implementing AMSIS, GA is working closely with many agencies to assist them produce or validate / correct spatial information and to determine the best way to capture and provide access to reliable information in a manner that is consistent with current principles for data management and spatial data infrastructure development. AMSIS is being developed specifically to support government initiatives and programs such as regional marine planning, management of marine operations including regulation and enforcement of legislation, and industry development, especially in the identification of interests overlapping or adjacent to the annual offshore petroleum acreage releases. The project is being undertaken in close collaboration with key stakeholders such as the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, The National Oceans Office and the Navy Hydrographic Service as well as other Australian Government departments that have interests in Australia's marine jurisdiction.
This map shows the area of the Automatic Longline 183m and 700m Depth Closure within the Commonwealth Scalefish Hook Sector. It was produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Western Skipjack Fishery. The series of pdf's are available for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.