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  • This web service provides access to the Geoscience Australia (GA) ISOTOPE database containing compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. The web service includes point layers (WFS, WMS, WMTS) with age and isotopic attribute information from the ISOTOPE database, and raster layers (WMS, WMTS, WCS) comprising the Isotopic Atlas grids which are interpolations of the point located age and isotope data in the ISOTOPE database.

  • The sea level service is designed to be used within the Carbon Capture and Storage application for 3D visual representation. It is an elevation service that represents the sea and elevation 0.

  • This service is designed to be used within the Carbon Capture and Storage application for a 3D visual representation. It is an elevation service that represents 800m below the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 1 Second over Australian Bathymetry Topography service. This is used as a basic gauge as to determine where CO2 should have enough pressure to be converted into a super fluid.

  • This service provides Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS). The data comes from cover thickness models based on magnetic, airborne electromagnetic and borehole measurements of the depth of stratigraphic and chronostratigraphic surfaces and boundaries.

  • The Mineral Potential web service provides access to digital datasets used in the assessment of mineral potential in Australia. The service includes maps showing the potential for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia.

  • The National Geophysical Grids web coverage service (WCS) will provide a collection of magnetic, gravity and radiometric grids derived from various geophysical measurements made over continental Australia. This particular release will include magnetic, gravity and radiometric grids constructed in 2019, and migrated grids from 2015.

  • This web service contains map layers and coverages for machine learning models, using raster datasets which include radiometric grid infill, cover depths and conductivity. All grids have been converted to cloud-optimised GeoTIFF (COG) format for use and delivery from an cloud-based object store (AWS s3).

  • This Service represents the 5 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM), with national coverage. It is derived from merged LiDAR and various projects. New data will be added to the service as it becomes available.

  • This OGC compliant service provides access to magnetotelluric data and associated products, which have been produced by Geoscience Australia’s Magnetotelluric Program. This program includes regional magnetotelluric projects and the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the State and Northern Territory geological surveys, universities, and other research organisations. The data provided in this service comprise resistivity model depth sections and the locations of sites used in these studies.

  • This service delivers the base of Cenozoic surface and Cenozoic thickness grids for the west Musgrave province. The gridded data are a product of 3D palaeovalley modelling based on airborne electromagnetic conductivity, borehole and geological outcrop data, carried out as part of Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future programme. The West Musgrave 3D palaeovalley model report and data files are available at