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The Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government from 2006 to 2011 to reduce risk in energy exploration. The program was delivered by Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with state and territory geological surveys, the National Research Facility for Earth Sounding (ANSIR) and AuScope. During this program approximately 6,500 line kilometres of deep crustal seismic reflection data were acquired and processed. The seismic images provide an understanding of the crustal architecture of sedimentary basins and their tectonic relationship to older basement terrains. Deep crust and upper mantle structures were also imaged and the Moho boundary could often be interpreted. The 2D seismic reflection data were acquired using three vibroseis trucks, with three 12 s variable frequency sweeps at each vibration point, usually with frequencies from 6 to 96 Hz. Correlated 20 s data were recorded, imaging to approximately 60 km depth. 300 geophone groups at 40 m intervals and 80 m source intervals provided 75 fold data. Data processing included imaging shallow sedimentary basins and also complex, deep, steeply dipping crystalline rock structures with high stacking velocities and out of plane energy. The seismic data, complemented by other geophysical and geological data, helped constrain and develop geological models. These models improved the understanding of crustal architecture in known hydrocarbon and metalliferous provinces as well as in frontier geological terrains.
Interpretation of gravity and magnetic data in the vicinity of the deep seismic lines 10GA-CP1, 10GA-CP2 and 10GA-CP3, which cross the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia. Interpretation techniques untaken include multiscale edge detection (worms), 2.5D forward modelling and unconstrained 3D inversion.
Absract for Indonesian Geophysics Conference (HAGI)
Paleoproterozoic-earliest Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Mount Isa region of northern Australia preserve a 200 Myr record (1800-1600 Ma) of intracontinental rifting, culminating in crustal thinning, elevated heat flow and establishment of a North American Basin and Range-style crustal architecture in which basin evolution was linked at depth to bimodal magmatism, high temperature-low pressure metamorphism and the formation of extensional shear zones. This geological evolution and record is amenable to investigation through a combination of mine visits and outcrop geology, and is the principal purpose of this field guide. Rifting initiated in crystalline basement -1840 Ma old and produced three stacked sedimentary basins (1800-1750 Ma Leichhardt, 1730-1670 Ma Calvert and 1670-1575 Ma Isa superbasins) separated by major unconformities and in which depositional conditions progressively changed from fluviatile-lacustrine to fully marine. By 1685 Ma, a deep marine, turbidite-dominated basin existed in the east and basaltic magmas had evolved in composition from continental to oceanic tholeiites as the crust became increasingly thinned and attenuated. Except for an episode of minor deformation and basin inversion at c. 1640 Ma, sedimentation continued across the region until onset of the Isan Orogeny at 1600 Ma.
Various aspects of isostasy concept are intimately linked to estimation of the elastic thickness of lithosphere, amplitude of mantle-driven vertical surface motions, basin uplift and subsidence. Common assumptions about isostasy are not always justified by existing data. For example, refraction seismic data provide essential constraints to estimation of isostasy, but are rarely analysed in that respect. Average seismic velocity, which is an integral characteristic of the crust to any given depth, can be calculated from initial refraction velocity models of the crust. Geoscience Australia has 566 full crust models derived from the interpretation of such data in its database as of January 2012. Average velocity through velocity/density regression translates into average density of the crust, and then into crustal column weight to any given depth. If average velocity isolines become horizontal at some depth, this may be an indication of balanced mass distribution (i.e., isostasy) in the crust to that depth. For example, average velocity distribution calculated for a very deep Petrel sedimentary basin on the Australian NW Margin shows no sign of velocity isolines flattening with depth all the way down to at least 15 km below the deepest Moho. Similar estimates for the Mount Isa region lead to opposite conclusions with balancing of average seismic velocities achieved above the Moho. Here, we investigate average seismic velocity distribution for the whole Australian continent and its margins, uncertainties of its translation into estimates of isostasy, and the possible explanations for misbalances in isostatic equilibrium of the Australian crust.
Stations on the Australian continent receive a rich mixture of ambient seismic noise from the surrounding oceans and the numerous small earthquakes in the earthquake belts to the north in Indonesia, and east in Tonga-Kermadec, as well as more distant source zones. The noise field at a seismic station contains information about the structure in the vicinity of the site, and this can be exploited by applying an autocorrelation procedure to the continuous records. By creating stacked autocorrelograms of the ground motion at a single station, information on crust properties can be extracted in the form of a signal that includes the crustal reflection response convolved with the autocorrelation of the combined effect of source excitation and the instrument response. After applying suitable high pass filtering the reflection component can be extracted to reveal the most prominent reflectors in the lower crust, which often correspond to the reflection at the Moho. Because the reflection signal is stacked from arrivals from a wide range of slownesses, the reflection response is somewhat diffuse, but still sufficient to provide useful constraints on the local crust beneath a seismic station. Continuous vertical component records from 223 stations (permanent and temporary) across the continent have been processed using autocorrelograms of running windows 6 hours long with subsequent stacking. A distinctive pulse with a time offset between 8 and 30 s from zero is found in the autocorrelation results, with frequency content between 1.5 and 4 Hz suggesting P-wave multiples trapped in the crust. Synthetic modelling, with control of multiple phases, shows that a local Ppmp phase can be recovered with the autocorrelation approach. This approach can be used for crustal property extraction using just vertical component records, and effective results can be obtained with temporary deployments of just a few months.
As a result of work undertaken by Geoscience Australia during the Australian Government's Energy Security Program (2006-2011), data-poor and little-known frontier basins around Australia's continental margin are receiving increased scientific and exploration attention. Marine and airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Geoscience Australia along the eastern, southern and southwest margins of the Australian continent have yielded new aeromagnetic data, relatively closely-spaced ship-track magnetic and gravity data, industry-standard seismic reflection data and swath bathymetry data. Geoscience Australia's strategy for integrated geophysical interpretation and modelling includes: depth-to-basement determination using spectral and analytic-signal techniques applied to magnetic data; enhancement of aeromagnetic data to facilitate onshore-offshore geological interpretation; use of 3D forward and stochastic inverse modelling of gravity data to guide seismic interpretation of sediment thickness and basement structure; 3D inverse modelling of magnetic and gravity data to constrain the physical properties of the crust; and use of levelled ship-track magnetic and gravity data integrated with onshore data for multi-scale edge-detection analysis to guide interpretations of basement structure. However, Geoscience Australia's efforts to understand frontier basins are not without challenges. Our work highlights the lack of constraints on sub-basin crustal structure that leads to significant ambiguity when determining maximum sediment thickness and basement architecture. These deficiencies indicate a need for seismic refraction surveys that focus on sub-basin crustal structure. Refraction surveys should be complemented by airborne magnetic and gravity surveys that link onshore and offshore areas, and regional 2D seismic reflection surveys designed for deep sedimentary basins.
New compilations of levelled marine and onshore gravity and magnetic data are facilitating structural and geological interpretations of the offshore northern Perth Basin. Multi-scale edge detection helps the mapping of structural trends within the basin and complements interpretations based on seismic reflection data. Together with edge detection, magnetic source polygons determined from tilt angle aid in extrapolating exposed basement under sedimentary basins and, therefore, assist in the mapping of basement terranes. Three-dimensional gravity modelling of crustal structure indicates deeper Moho beneath the onshore and inboard parts of the Perth Basin and that crustal thinning is pronounced only under the outboard parts of the basin (Zeewcyk Sub-basin).
Constraints on the morphology of the Moho are essential to establish reliable models of the subsurface and infer the evolution of the Australian crust. Reliable information on crustal thickness variations is important for thermal modelling and structural mapping, for both energy and mineral system studies. Here, we combine information from both passive seismic deployments and full-crustal reflection seismic profiling to produce a new representation of the character of the Moho in northern Australia. Data coverage has been dramatically improved by investments, under the Exploring for the Future program, in new deployments of passive seismic instrumentation and expansion of the network of reflection seismic profiles in the South Nicholson and Barkly regions. Using a new approach to combining results from different classes of seismic analysis, different spatial sampling associated with the various types of data have been taken into account. The resulting Moho surface reveals small-scale features not seen in previous models. New data reveal that some Moho discontinuities are clearly associated with known structures such as the Willowra Suture. Similar ~100 km wavelength undulations are visible in areas under cover that may indicate the presence of unknown major structures. Significant base metal mineral deposits appear to be localised along the edges of thicker crustal block. <b>Citation:</b> Gorbatov, A., Medlin, A., Kennett, B.L.N., Doublier, M.P., Czarnota, K., Fomin, T. and Henson, P., 2020. Moho variations in northern Australia. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.
The New Caledonia Trough is a bathymetric depression 200-300 km wide, 2300 km long, and 1.5-3.5 km deep between New Caledonia and New Zealand. In and adjacent to the trough, seismic stratigraphic units, tied to wells, include: Cretaceous rift sediments in faulted basins; Late Cretaceous to Eocene pelagic drape; and ~1.5 km thick Oligocene to Quaternary trough fill that was contemporaneous with Tonga-Kermadec subduction. A positive free-air gravity anomaly of 30 mGal is spatially correlated with the axis of the trough. We model the evolution of the New Caledonia Trough as a two-stage process: (i) trough formation in response to crustal thinning (Cretaceous and/or Eocene); and (ii) post-Eocene trough-fill sedimentation. To best fit gravity data, we find that the effective elastic thickness (Te) of the lithosphere was low (5-10 km) during Phase (i) trough formation and high (20-40 km) during Phase (ii) sedimentation, though we cannot rule out a fairly constant Te of 10 km. The inferred increase in Te with time is consistent with thermal relaxation after Cretaceous rifting, but such a model is not in accord with all seismic-stratigraphic interpretations. If most of the New Caledonia Trough topography was created during Eocene inception of Tonga-Kermadec subduction, then our results place important constraints on the associated lower-crustal detachment process and suggest that failure of the lithosphere did not allow elastic stresses to propagate regionally into the over-riding plate. We conclude that the gravity field places an important constraint on geodynamic models of Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation.