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  • <div>The architecture of the lithosphere controls the distribution of thermal, compositional and rheological interfaces. It therefore plays a fundamental role in modulating key ore-forming processes including the generation, transport, fractionation, and contamination of melts.&nbsp;Recognition of its importance has led to renewed efforts in recent years to incorporate constraints on lithospheric structure into the targeting of prospective regions for mineral exploration. One example is a suggested relationship between the genesis of porphyry copper deposits – known to be associated with evolved, silica-rich magmas – and the thickness of the crust.&nbsp;Here, using a new compilation of spot measurements, we explore the utility of crustal thickness as an exploration tool for porphyry copper deposits.</div> This Abstract was submitted & presented at the 2022 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 12-16 December (

  • The L210 South Nicholson 1096 km-long deep seismic reflection lines were acquired from 6 June to 14 August, 2017. The survey involved the acquisition of seismic reflection and gravity data along five traverses, 17GA-SN1 (375 km), 17GA-SN2 (213 km), 17GA-SN3 (58 km), 17GA-SN3 (98 km), and 17GA-SN5 (352 km). The South Nicholson seismic survey was undertaken in collaboration with and funded by: The energy theme in Geoscience Australia - Exploring for the Future; Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS); Department of Natural Resources and Mines - through the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ); and AuScope. <b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 116881</b>

  • <div><strong>Output type: </strong>Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Seismic tomography has been used for more than 50 years to map the seismic velocity structure of Earth’s interior. Here, we use data from the Exploring for the Future program, AusArray 2o deployment, to perform ambient noise tomography of the Australian continent. In this approach, stacks of cross-correlations of background seismic noise recorded by pairs of seismometers are employed to extract an approximation to the surface wave trains travelling between the seismometers. We have developed a semi-automatic approach to estimate dispersion properties of surface waves as a function of frequency at 0.01 – 1 Hz and deployed the largest ever network of broadband seismometers across the country to image the continental crust of Australia. In this study, we present an ambient noise tomography map of the Australian continent at 0.4 Hz (2.5 seconds), which is sensitive to the top 3 km of the Earth’s crust. Our model shows improved resolution across the country, for example, we observed a large low-velocity anomaly (~2.5 km/s) which delineates the shape of the entire Caning basin in Western Australia. This basin has never been imaged at this detail before, as previous tomographic studies do not measure surface wave velocity up to 0.4 Hz and do not have stations deployed in this area. The outcome demonstrates the utility of the ambient noise tomography method of imaging first-order features, that could be built upon for resource potential assessments.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Hejrani B., Hassan R., Gorbatov A. & Zhao J., 2024. Towards continental-scale ambient noise tomography of Australia: a preliminary result from AusArray data. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div>

  • <div><strong>Output Type:</strong> Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Knowledge of lithospheric structure is crucial information for resources exploration and deepening understanding of natural hazards. Available tomographic models of the Australian lithosphere often agree on large scale features, but in detail significant differences remain. Consequently, there is a growing need for a fully verifiable lithospheric model of Australia. Geoscience Australia has committed to develop such a model and share all results and datasets involved in model building. Here we present the first results of a full waveform inversion tomography model of Australia lithosphere down to a period of 70 s potentially able to resolve half wavelengths across continental Australia. Our model is based on seismic records from the National Seismic Network and legacy datasets with the addition of data from the currently deployed continental-scale 2° AusArray survey, which includes stations installed in previously inaccessible areas. We start with 193 earthquakes (moment magnitude (Mw) 6.2–7.5) and add 165 more earthquakes (Mw &gt;5.0) once the model progressed to a period of 70 s. Model resolution will improve over time as more data become available and more time is allowed for computation and quality control. As further iterations continue, and the inversion frequency range expands to higher frequencies, body waves can be exploited in full to constrain the model in detail and provide enough information for all components of the wavefield, building high-resolution tomographic models at a period of 40 s and below. Our model reveals previously observed first order features while revealing finer detail across much of continental Australia.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Holzschuh, J., Gorbatov, A., Hejrani, B., Boehm, C. &amp; Hassan, R., 2024. Tomographic model of the Australian region from seismic full waveform inversion. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div>

  • <div><strong>Output type: </strong>Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short abstract: </strong> Crustal architecture provides first order controls on the distribution of mineral resources of an area and is best imaged by deep seismic reflection data. Here we present a first interpretation of seismic line 22GA-CD2, acquired as part of the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) project. Line 22GA-CD2 images the central eastern Delamerian Orogen, where basement rocks are concealed by the Murray Basin. Key findings include: (i) the crustal architecture preserves many characteristics of the early evolution of west-dipping Delamerian subduction, accretion and orogeny between ~ 515 Ma - 495 Ma. This initial configuration has been reworked and reactivated during younger orogenic events; (ii) the lower and middle crust constitutes the newly defined Barrier Seismic Province, which is also imaged in legacy seismic reflection line 05GA-TL1 and interpreted to continue northeast to the Olepoloko Fault; (iii) a similar seismic character to that of the Barrier Seismic Province has been observed in legacy seismic reflection lines in Victoria and related to a Cambrian accretionary setting and adjacent foreland; (iv) the present-day upper crustal configuration is largely the result of contractional fault reactivation, with significant vertical movements during the Kanimblan-Alice Springs Orogeny (~ 360 Ma - 340 Ma); (v) a large area of prospective rocks for mineral deposits with Cambrian arc-affiliation are accessible to exploration under shallow cover of the Murray Basin (often less than 200 m).</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Doublier M.P., et al., 2024. Crustal architecture along seismic line 22GA-CD2: new insights from the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian deep seismic reflection survey. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div>

  • <div>The ‘Major crustal boundaries of Australia’ data set synthesises more than 40 years of acquisition of deep seismic reflection data across Australia, where major crustal-scale breaks, often inferred to be relict sutures between different crustal blocks, have been interpreted in the seismic reflection profiles. The widespread coverage of the seismic profiles now provides the opportunity to construct a map of major crustal boundaries across Australia. Starting with the locations of the crustal breaks identified in the seismic profiles, geological (e.g. outcrop mapping, drill hole, geochronology, isotope) and geophysical (e.g. gravity, aeromagnetic, magnetotelluric, passive seismic) data are used to map the crustal boundaries, in map view, away from the seismic profiles. For some of these boundaries, a high level of confidence can be placed on the location, whereas the location of other boundaries can only be considered to have medium or low confidence. In other areas, especially in regions covered by thick sedimentary successions, the locations of some crustal boundaries are essentially unconstrained. </div><div>The ‘Major crustal boundaries of Australia’ map shows the locations of inferred ancient plate boundaries, and will provide constraints on the three dimensional architecture of Australia. It allows a better understanding of how the Australian continent was constructed from the Mesoarchean through to the Phanerozoic, and how this evolution and these boundaries have controlled metallogenesis. It is best viewed as a dynamic dataset, which will need to be refined and updated as new information, such as new seismic reflection data, becomes available.</div><div><br></div>

  • Interpretation of 2014–2015 deep crustal seismic reflection and magnetotelluric data has revised the architecture and geodynamic framework of western Queensland, with implications for the assembly and dispersal of the supercontinents Nuna, Rodinia and Gondwana. In the Mount Isa Province, crustal-scale boundaries of the Leichhardt River Domain, Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Domain and Eastern Subprovince are mapped in the third dimension. The Leichhardt River and Kalkadoon-Leichhardt domains have similar Nd isotopic T 2DM model ages to provinces to the west, indicating they were part of ancestral North Australian Craton (NAC); the Eastern Subprovince is a separate terrane, with the Pilgrim Fault a collisional suture. The Gidyea Suture Zone separates the Mount Isa Province from the subsurface Numil Seismic Province. To the east, the west-dipping Yappar Fault separates east-dipping structures in the west from west-dipping structures in the east, forming a classic doubly vergent orogen within the upper plate of a convergent margin. The northwestern boundary of the Bernfels Seismic Province, the Kynuna Fault, truncates the Gidyea Suture Zone, implying this seismic province was welded to the NAC prior to initial deposition of the Etheridge Province. The Cork Fault truncates the north-south grain of the Mount Isa Province; the easternmost part of the NAC has been excised, presumably during breakup of Nuna. The subsurface Brighton Downs Seismic Province, formerly part of the northern Thomson Orogen, is a discrete seismic province, located between the NAC and the Thomson Orogen, and welded to the NAC during the accretion of Rodinia. Basement to the Thomson Orogen is a collage of microplates, accreted to the Brighton Downs Seismic Province during the assembly of Gondwana. By 530 Ma, eastern Australia faced an open Pacific Ocean, with the Thomson Orogen in a backarc setting. Thus, northeastern Australia contains a record of repeated continental accretion and breakup over at least three supercontinent cycles. <b>Citation: </b>Russell J. Korsch, Michael P. Doublier, Dominic D. Brown, Janelle M. Simpson, Andrew J. Cross, Ross D. Costelloe, Wenping Jiang, Crustal architecture and tectonic development of western Queensland, Australia, based on deep seismic reflection profiling: Implications for Proterozoic continental assembly and dispersal, <i>Tectonophysics</i>, Volume 878, 2024, 230302, ISSN 0040-1951,

  • <div>Lithospheric structure and composition have direct relevance for our understanding of mineral prospectivity. Aspects of the lithosphere can be imaged using geophysical inversion or analysed from exhumed samples at the surface of the Earth, but it is a challenge to ensure consistency between competing models and datasets. The LitMod platform provides a probabilistic inversion framework that uses geology as the fabric to unify multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. Here, we present results from the application of LitMod to the Australian continent. The rasters summarise the results and performance of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior model space. Release KY22 is developed using the primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids of Yoshizawa (2014).</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia's geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia's transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia's regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div>

  • In recent years there has been a considerable expansion of deployments of portable seismic stations across Australia, which have been analysed by receiver function or autocorrelation methods to extract estimates of Moho depth. An ongoing program of full-crustal reflection profiles has now provided more than 25,000 km of reflection transects that have been interpreted for Moho structure. The Moho dataset is further augmented by extensive marine reflection results. These new data sources have been combined with earlier refraction and receiver function results to provide full continental coverage, though some desert areas remain with limited sampling. The dense sampling of the Moho indicates the presence of rapid changes in Moho depth and so the Moho surface has been constructed using an approach that allows different weighting and spatial influence depending on the nature of the estimate. The inclusion of Moho results from gravity inversion with low weighting helps to resolve the continent-ocean transition and to provide additional control in the least sampled zones. The refined distribution indicates the presence of widespread smaller-scale variations in Moho structure. Strong lateral contrasts in crustal thickness remain, but some have become more subdued with improved sampling of critical areas. The main differences from earlier results lie in previously poorly sampled regions around the Lake Eyre Basin, where additional passive seismic results indicate somewhat thicker crust though still witha strong contrast in crustal thickness to the cratonic zone to the west. Appeared in Geophysical Journal International, January 2023

  • <div>Raster datasets of inferred magnesium number for the bulk lithospheric mantle across the Australian continent. The magnesium number is an elemental ratio, defined by Mg / (Mg + Fe), which correlates to the relative enrichment or depletion in incompatible elements. Oxide concentrations are inferred in from thermo-chemical inverse modelling of Rayleigh phase velocities, surface heat flow, geoid anomalies, and topography. The magnesium number rasters summarise the results of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling of the posterior model space from an ensemble of plausible candidate models. Model release 'FR23' is developed using primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids adapted from Fishwick & Rawlinson (2012; "3-D structure of the Australian lithosphere from evolving seismic datasets"). Model release 'KY22' is developed using the primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids of Yoshizawa (2014; "Radially anisotropic 3-D shear wave structure of the Australian lithosphere and asthenosphere from multi-mode surface waves"). All models are products of the Exploring for the Future program.</div>