Type of resources
Publication year
3D images and text describing Australia's Southeast Marine Region
Geoscience Australia acquires satellite imagery from a range of Earth observation satellites. This poster focuses on Australian States and Territories and various satellite applications.
The Map Reading Guide is an ideal resource for a wide range of map users and is an excellent and simplistic introduction to topographic maps which are suitable for anyone with an interest in maps. It contains: - an explanation of what is a topographic map - steps on how to read topographic maps, including explanations of map scale and how to use a map scale to calculate distance - the differences between grid north, true north and magnetic north - an explanation of symbols used on topographic map symbols - how hills and mountains are shown on maps using relief shading, hypsometric tinting, and contours - what a datum is and why there are different datum - explanations of the difference between geographic and grid coordinates - how to quote grid references from topographic maps - how to plan a successful trip using topographic maps - using Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and magnetic compasses with topographic maps - using a topographic map to find your current position and to set a course. This product is the guide/map roamer card combination.
The Mt Todd map kit, suitable for Secondary level Years 8-12 contains; - 15 double-sided 1:75,000 scale Mt Todd geology/topography maps - 15 plastic map reading cards 1:75,000 scale - 86 page booklet (Record 1996/10) of full teaching notes including map projections, scale, latitude and longitude, direction, geological legends, rock types & ages, geological features eg. folds, faults, intrusions and dipping rocks, geological cross-sections, the link between geology and topography, economic geology and a glossary. - 11 reproducible student activities and exam - suggested answers to activities and exam
These Crystal Models are part of the Exploring Minerals and Crystals booklet and can be used to explore crystal shapes in high school and college geology. They can also be used independently to discuss three dimensional shapes in primary school mathematics.
Weathering, erosion and deposition are all around us. Without these processes we would not have our mountains, river valleys, sandy beaches or even the soil in which we grow our food. This booklet outlines the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition for the information of teachers and students. Inlcudes case studies about the formation of many Australian landforms such as Uluru, the Warrumbungles and the Bungle Bungles. The booklet also includes reproducible student activities that provide students with fun and easy ways to learn about the processes that shape the Earth. - 50 page booklet - 8 student activities - suggested answers A comprehensive resource to introduce your students to the concept of regolith, an important way of looking at, and mapping, the landscape. Suitable for primary Years 5-6 and secondary Years 7-12.
This bulk set comprises 10 copies of the Rockhampton River 1:100 000 topographic map and 10 copies of the Jacobs River 1:100 000 topographic map. These are the same maps that are included in the Topographic Map kit, catalogue item # 23002. The maps can also be used with the bulk set of 10 Topographic Map student manuals (catalogue item 30836) and the Introduction to Topographic Maps (catalogue item 23001). Suitable for secondary years 7-12.
How well do you know the landscape of Australia's capital cities? Study the image and then click on the pop-up menus to register your choice. When you think you've correctly identified all of the cities, click on the "Submit" button to get your score. Then click on the images to learn more about each capital city.
This booklet focuses on volcanoes, their formation process, types, shapes, locations and effects on their surroundings. Significant volcano events around the world are covered, and special emphasis is placed on the Australian volcanic landscape. Student activities included. Recommended for Years 6 and 9.