Authors / CoAuthors
Meixner, A.J. | Vandenberg, L. | Nicoll, M. | Beard, D.J. | Larson, R.
This second edition preliminary three dimensional model has been constructed from themes compiled from a variety of sources and assembled primarily within a GoCAD application. The display medium for web delivery has used the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) format. Layers of data were principally supplied by Geoscience Australia. Mineral occurrence information was provided by the Northern Territory and Western Australia Geological Surveys. Interpreted 1:250 000 scale maps of the Tanami and 1:500 000 Arunta North were provided by the Northern Territory Geological Survey. Cross-sections were geophysically modelled using ModelVision software and imported into GoCAD. Structural and geological modelling of cross-sections was provided by the NTGS. Surfaces were modelled in GoCAD using cross-section data and surface constraints. The current seismic proposal has been a collaborative effort involving Commonwealth, State and private companies.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- GIS Dataset3D model
- ( Theme )
- geology
- ( Theme )
- geophysics
- ( Theme )
- geoscience
- ( Theme )
- mapping
- ( Theme )
- structural geology
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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The project and datum used for all layers is UTM Zone 52, Geodetic Datum of Australia. Dem: Pseudocolour image of the Geoscience Australia 9-second Digital Elevation Model (2nd edition). This layer was downloaded from the Geoscience Australia data store as an ArcInfo grid, projected from Geodetic to UTM Zone 52 coordinates, imported into GoCAD as an x, y, z point set and interpolated using an initial 7500 metre triangulation in GoCAD. The data extent matches the polygon coordinate string given above. Geophysical Images: Gravity, Magnetics (RTP), Magnetics (1VD), Magnetics and Gravity, Radiometrics. These geophysical images were extracted from Geoscience Australia's store of raster data, projected to UTM Zone 52 coordinates and output as pseucocoloured images. All images have been draped on the DEM. Landsat Image: This recently acquired Landsat 7 (bands 1, 2, 3) image was processed by the Australian Centre for Remote Sensing (ACRES) unit within Geoscience Australia. It has also been draped on the DEM. Index Map: This is the Tanami project area image which shows the locations of modelled sections and extents for various layers which comprise the model. Geology: There are two images, one for the preliminary First Edition interpreted geological-geophysical map of the 1: 500 000 scale map of Arunta North, and the second a image of the First Edition interpreted geological-geophysical map of the Tanami 1: 250 000 scale map. Both maps originated from the Northern Territory Geological Survey. Regolith: This image was generated in ArcView from a legend and data originating from a CDROM dataset of a regolith study of the Tanami region, conducted by the Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (CRCLEME) in 1999-2000. Roads: The roads image was compiled from data originating from a number of sources, including the Northern Territory Geological Survey, Geoscience Australia and Barrick Gold of Australia Ltd. Outcrops: The outcrops image has been constructed from digital lines extracted from Geoscience Australia's 1: 250 000 maps in the Tanami Region for geological units including Palaeoproterozoic cover, Palaeoproterozoic basement, and Archaean rocks. Major fault traces originated as digital linework from the Arunta North 1: 500 000 scale interpreted geology-geophysical map. The linework has been imported as a dxf layer into GoCAD, and exported to VRML format. Fault Surfaces: There are a number of VRML surfaces presented in the model. These were originally interpolated in GoCAD using cross-section data and fault traces. Frankenia Dome: This is an older surface representing the Frankenia Dome (granitoid). Modelling was done in GoCAD using version 1 cross-section data, and this requires updating with newer data constraints. Deposits: This layer represents point locations of mineral occurrences acquired from the MODAT database (Northern Territory) and WAMIN-MINEDEX databases (Western Australia), and created as one VRML formatted file. Shrimp: This layer is derived from Geoscience Australia's Oracle OZCHRON database of pooled age Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb analyses, converted to a VRML formatted file, and linked to the Oracle database using SQR, so that further information on the point can be derived while in the model itself. Cross-section images were originally derived from 2-D interactive processing of geological and geophysical data using ModelVision. The registered images shown in the VRML correspond to frames created in ArcInfo for digitising cross-section linework. Gravity and magnetic strings are shown as coloured lines from a number of levels (i.e. upward continued first vertical derivative grids) of magnetic and gravity data. The seismic proposal comprises two sets of lines projected onto the DEM surface in GoCAD and exported to VRML format. One set represents lines by line number and length and the other by tracktype.
Parent Information
[-21.83361, -18.50182, 127.67438, 131.14774]
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Source data not available.