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Christmas Island is an Australian Territory located in the Indian Ocean about 2600 km north-west of Perth and 350 km southwest of Java. The Island is approximately 135 km2 in size and has a population of over 1800 residents. Although the average yearly rainfall is approximately 2000 mm/year, the Island has experienced periodic droughts that have threatened water supplies. Because of the highly porous rocks of the island, no permanent surface water bodies exist, and all fresh water is sourced from natural springs and caves. Currently, the Island¿s water supply is treated and stored in above-ground tanks, however, this only provides sufficient storage for a two-day supply if the underground water (groundwater) dries up or is contaminated. There is clearly a need for greater water security, although further investigations are required. An initial scoping study by Geoscience Australia confirmed that Christmas Island¿s geology and hydrogeology is complex and poorly understood. The Island is known for its phosphate-rich materials which have been mined since 1899. The Island¿s groundwater system is likely to be highly compartmentalized, with the potential for groundwater supplies to be identified in several locations across the Island. Geoscience Australia has recommended a second phase of investigations, focusing on 3-dimensional mapping of the Island using below ground imaging technologies (airborne electromagnetics and magnetics). These technologies, complemented by drilling and water sampling, will be used to identify and assess new potential underground water resources across the Island. Results from the new study will: - Provide critical new data and knowledge to enhance water security for the Island;. - Underpin development of a new economic planning framework; - Inform sustainable land management practices; and - Provide new data on the distribution of phosphate deposits.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
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- Christmas Island
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This factsheet will be used to support Minister Nash's proposed visit to Christmas Island in early March 2017.
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