Authors / CoAuthors
Schofield, A. | Clarke, J. | Bastrakov, E.N. | Huston, D.L. | Lewis, C.J. | Thomas, M. | Cayley, R.A. | Taylor, D. | McAlpine, S.R.B. | Czarnota, K.
The Stavely Project is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Victoria. During 2014 fourteen pre-competitive stratigraphic drill holes were completed in the prospective Stavely region in western Victoria in order to better understand subsurface geology and its potential for a variety of mineral systems. The Stavely region hosts several belts of poorly-exposed Cambrian volcanic and intrusive rocks, visible largely only in aeromagnetic data, which have similarities to those found in modern subduction-related tectonic settings. Mineralisation associated with porphyry Cu-Au and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide mineral systems is known where these rocks are exposed around Mount Stavely and the Black Range. However, despite a history of mineral exploration dating back to the late 1960s, significant economic deposits are yet to be discovered, and the Stavely region remains a greenfields terrane. Given the geological setting and known mineral potential, opportunity exists for the discovery of large mineral systems beneath extensive, but relatively thin, younger cover. The Stavely Project aims to provide the framework for discovery in the Stavely region primarily through the acquisition and delivery of pre-competitive geoscientific data. This includes the completion of pre-competitive stratigraphic drill holes in order to test regional geological interpretations and recover material for detailed lithological, petrophysical, geochemical and geochronological analysis. The results will assist in understanding the mineral systems potential of the Stavely region under cover. This report describes the logging methods and procedures used to produce lithology logs for stratigraphic drill holes completed as part of the Stavely Project. Data presented in this release include summary and detailed geological logs, logging metadata, and graphic geological logs. Also included are reports on biostratigraphic and palynological age constraints of unconsolidated drill core, and on volcanic facies observed in the volcanic rocks intersected during drilling.
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Record 2015/030
Lithology logs for drill holes completed as part of the Stavely Project
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Downloads and Links
Appendix 1 detailed lithology logs (csv)
Appendix 2 summary lithology logs (csv)
Appendix 3 logging field descriptions (csv)
Appendix 4 logging libraries (csv)
Appendix 5 graphic lithological logs (pdf)
Appendix 6 foraminiferal biostratigraphy report (pdf)
Appendix 7 palynostratigraphic report (pdf)
Source Information
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